Disposable corrugated totes for purees
Sales continue to grow with puree processors after finding the numerous benefits of EZ-SET disposable totes. Markets have strict quality standards and a zero tolerance for cross contamination. EZ-SET disposable liquid bulk containers allow these stringent standards to be maintained and exceeded while improving production throughput by allowing quicker batch turnaround times within the plant. 1000 liter container capacity of EZ-SET liquid containers allows maximization of 20 ft export vessels to reach all corners of the globe. Domestic logistics are maximized by the EZ-SET 275 gallon liquid tote option which fits a 48x40 pallet. Call today - save for tomorrow.

EZ-SET liquid container is ready to go! Ready to service your needs today and into the future. Disposable liquid bulk packaging with the customer in mind. Contact Paper Systems today.

Easy to fill and ready to stack. EZ-SET liquid bulk containers deliver both domestically and abroad to service your customers around town and around the world. See for yourself the tremendous design features and benefits disposable bulk containers can bring to the table for your company.