Disposable liquid tote for salad oil
Salad oil processors have a rich tradition of time tested recipes and innovative new flavors to service customers. EZ-SET intermediate bulk containers maintain that stringent quality with zero cross contamination by using FDA approved raw materials in the making of the food grade bag liners. No clean outs, no waste water, no hassles as EZ-SET liquid bulk containers save time and money day in and day out. Make the switch to green packaging with the creative and source reductive liquid bulk packaging solution in EZ-SET, you will be glad you did.

Contact Paper Systems today and start saving with EZ-SET bulk liquid totes tomorrow!

If you have a bulk liquid application, chances are EZ-SET liquid totes will fit the bill and exceed your expectations. Food grade applications is where Paper Systems shines with the widest variety of bulk liquid packaging available for both domestic and export needs. Call or e-mail us today so we can start saving you money tomorrow.